Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Scientific term: Coprophagia
More commonly referred to as animal species consuming feces or POOP!

Seriously? Nala is now eating the cats' poo! Not her own... she prefers tne "good" stuff. This went on for a few weeks until we talked to Jacobo (our vet) about this disgusting phenomenon. He knew exactly what it was and recommended the perfect solution. He gave us this powdered substance which we had to put in the cats' food every day for about 5 days. This allegedly makes the cats' poo taste really bad, as if it's not bad enough?! EW!

The problem has since been resolved BUT just to give you an idea of the morning surprises we were waking up to. Cat poo smeared into the sofa (the little brown specs in the picture) and on this particular day she found Lance's highlighter with little sticky tag markers which she pulls out and stuck all over the sofa! Perhaps she was studying? or planning her next move?

1 comment:

  1. Cali ate a green marker and pooped green all day long when she was a puppy. Adam used to disect her poop to see what she had gotten into... came up with some pretty funny results. Hopefully she'll grow out of it.
